Employment related with the quality of life and the development of occupation of the people with mental retardation ( MR). 就业问题关系到智力残疾人的生活质量和职业生涯发展。
The study demonstrated a strong association between preterm birth and medical disabilities like cerebral palsy, mental retardation and several other disorders. 研究证实了大脑性瘫痪、智力迟缓以及其他机能紊乱问题是与早产密切相关的。
Iodine deficiency disorders will lead to goiter, hypothyroidism, mental retardation, cretinism, and so on. 碘缺乏将导致甲状腺肿、克汀病等疾病的发生。
Objective to investigate the characteristics of cognitive evoked potentials in mental retardation and idiot savant. 目的研究精神发育迟缓和白痴学者认知电位的特征。
Failure to establish proper connectivity in the brain may also underlie autism spectrum disorders and mental retardation. 建立合适的脑部连接失败也将导致自闭症和智力低下。
Objective: to explore the correlatitiy between mental retardation, chromosome aberrtion rate and fragile site expression rate. 目的:探讨精神发育迟滞者与染色体畸变率和脆性部位表达率的相关性。
The acquisition of life skills is helpful to improve the development of adaptive behavior of people with mental retardation, and adolescence is crucial period for systemic life skills training. 生活技能的掌握对于促进智力残疾人适应性行为的发展很有帮助,而青春期则是对生活技能进行系统训练的关键时期。
Moreover, this study discusses the factors which affect the results of the test, including the deficiency of memory and attention of the students with mental retardation. 同时本研究还针对智力落后儿童的记忆力、专注力等缺陷对测验结果的影响进行探讨。
Autism, Asperger ′ s Syndrome and mental retardation are all diseases caused by nervous system problem in brain. 孤独症、阿斯伯格综合症与智力障碍都是因脑部神经系统问题引起的疾病。
The Research of Implement and Countermeasure on Mental Retardation School's Hidden Curriculum 培智学校隐性课程的实施与对策研究
Study on the Blood Acetylcholine Levels and the Change of Intelligence Quotient Electroencephalogram in Mental Retardation Patients 血乙酰胆碱水平与精神发育迟滞患者智商及脑电图变化的研究
In addition to shedding light on this critical neurological process, the study also provides information on a form of mental retardation in humans. 在这个关键的神经学过程中,除了脱落光,该研究还对人类智力发育迟缓的形式提供了一些信息。
The author applies methods of history investigation, worth analysis and substantial evidence analyze to research how we can protect and restrict reproduction rights of people with mental retardation. 本文运用历史考察、价值分析和实证分析等方法,对智力障碍者生育权的保护和限制问题进行了深入研究,希望能为智力障碍者的权利保护提供相应的法理依据。
Study on the Blood Acetylcholine Levels in Children with Mental Retardation 精神发育迟滞儿童血中乙酰胆碱质量浓度的研究
Investigation of bone age and stature development in mental retardation children 智力低下儿童骨龄与体格发育的研究
Autism includes a range of disorders, from the mild Asperger's syndrome to profound mental retardation and lack of ability to socialize. 自闭症包括一系列疾病,从轻微的Asperger综合征到极重度精神发育迟缓和社交能力缺乏。
If not diagnosed promptly, the chronic dehydration can produce mental retardation, inadequate growth, and even death. 如果没有及时地诊断治疗,这种慢性的的脱水会引发智利障碍、生长迟缓、甚至是死亡。
He also had mild mental retardation and abnormal findings on brain MRI. 测验发现其有轻度智力障碍,脑部磁振摄影也有异常发现。
Clinical analysis of 27 cases of mental retardation accompanied with affective disorder 精神发育迟滞合并情感性精神障碍27例临床分析
Vascular dementia ( VD) is a cerebrovascular disease that occurred on the main performance on the basis of the acquired mental retardation syndrome. 血管性痴呆(VD)是指发生在脑血管病基础上主要表现的获得性智能障碍综合征。
The risk of mental retardation and disturbed behaviour. 智力迟钝和行为失常的可能危险。
Examples of mental disorders include depression, substance abuse, schizophrenia, mental retardation, childhood autism, and dementia. 精神障碍的情况包括:抑郁症、物质滥用、精神分裂症、精神发育迟缓、儿童期孤独症和痴呆。
As a child he was assumed to be suffering from severe mental retardation. 孩童时期他被假设为重度智障。
Study on Peer Relation between Mental Retardation Children and Ordinary Children in Kindergarten 学龄前儿童因年龄小而未能上幼儿园的儿童幼儿园智力落后儿童与普通儿童同伴关系研究
Down syndrome is the most common genetic cause of mental retardation. 唐氏综合症是一个常见的导致心理迟缓的遗传性因素。
They also indicate the need for more study into the fragile X mental retardation protein's function itself. 它们同时也暗示着还需要对脆性X智力低下蛋白的功能本身进行更多的研究。
The Adaptation and Effect of Portage Program in Chinese Children with Mental Retardation Portage早期教育计划在中国精神发育迟滞儿童早期干预中的效果及适用性研究
A Study on the Development of Sets Perceiving of Children with Moderate Mental Retardation in Low Grades 低年级段中度智力落后儿童感知集合发展的实验研究
His daughter Laura from the first marriage was institutionalized because of mental retardation. 因为智力迟钝,他的女儿劳拉的从第一次婚姻起就被送进了疯人院。
In the process of aging, creatures showed early symptoms such as memory impairment, mental retardation. 生物在老化过程中,表现出记忆减退、智力障碍等早期症状。